The Dash Fire Diaries

Bringing back the past that never was, in order to rewrite the future of historical humor.

Join me in reimagining a past that never was for the future of humorous historical writing. Subscribe to Dash Fire Diaries. It's a free escape hatch into an era where science fiction and fantasy coexist, where flying machines swoop over herds of unicorns. Here, the ordinary and the the fantastic meet head to horn from the point of view of a historian bringing coherence to it all. Join the fun. You are invited.

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By subscribing you do more than simply get an email, you get a ticket to take a fantastical journey, you become a member of the Dash Fire Tribe, a group of people who take pleasure in delights of humor, history, science fiction and fantasy, 19th and early 20th century style.

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This is your chance to walk with a writer and see works in progress as they are created, in real-time. Not only that, you get to be a part of the process! That’s right, You have a say in what gets written! Your input and feedback directly influences plot, character development. My audience is more than a passive recipient of information. You are invited to be my sounding board for new ideas, to contribute to and collaborate with me on the editorial process. This makes the writing even more lively and relevant.

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Subscribe to Dash Fire Diaries

Bringing the past back to life through fiction, letters & essays


Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto.